Friday, February 1, 2013

1st Daddy Daughter Dance!

SO SWEET - my AJ had her very first date to her very first dance with the best guy I know. Her lucky date was with the one that will love her no matter what and will always be there to pick her up even higher when she shines and will be there to catch her before as she stumbles and before she falls - her daddy! She was so excited getting ready and wanted to make sure daddy didn't catch a glimpse or peek until she was all ready in her dress with her hair done and curled, her nails painted and her makeup on! The dance was at school where AJ got her corsage and the two of them enjoyed dancing, cookies and lemon-aid (which I made earlier in the day as part of my PTA obligations!). So happy they had such a good time and I feel so very fortunate my daughter has the most special, loving, loyal and dedicated daddy!

Here is the professional picture they took at the dance that night - SO PRECIOUS!

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