We had a really fun Christmas day - Santa made it and he even brought toys from all my family in NJ with him! We spent the day opening presents, eating and enjoying each other. The looks on the kids faces when they saw all their presents was priceless!
We had a beautiful Christmas Eve - just Alex, the two kids and I! We went to the children's mass at 4 and were home to eat and relax the evening away. The kids made sure to put on their new Christmas pj's that our elf Santa Christmas delivered that morning and we made sure to sprinkle all the sparkly reindeer food on the front lawn so the reindeer didn't miss our house
Happy 34th birthday to the best husband and father in the world - the kids and are are the luckiest! I fell in love with you way back in our senior year of high school, I loved you at College in WV, I loved you when we got married and bought our first house in NJ and I love you even more during our new adventures here in Georgia! Here is too a great year to come baby!
Today Alex and I got to go to Dylan's first school Christmas party! He was so cute and did such a good job singing us Jingle Bells! He gave us a beautiful Christmas wall hanging with his hand print as the reindeer and an ornament. I always love breaking these out year after year to display. He had some lunch and some goodies with his friends and it was just really fun getting to see him in action at school! Very proud of my big boy!
Today we had such a nice time at AJ's school Christmas concert. We got there early, got some good seats and listened to them sing us beautiful Christmas songs. After we went back to her classroom for some cookies and juice and got presents from the kids - they were beautiful Christmas plates with mangers on them made with the kids fingerprints - something I will treasure always!
Happy Birthday John Creek GA! We had a great time watching the parade today - the kids got tons of candy and other treats and AJ loved all the cheerleaders, Dylan all the police cars & fire trucks and we all loved the bands and music! Thanks for a fun filled Saturday morning!
Toady Dylan had his first day of school - I am a proud mama - he did great! Just like his big sister, Dylan didn't seem to be bothered that I was leaving him at all! I sent him in with his Cars backpack, his Cars lunch box and his Cars sippy cup and he got right to playing with his new friends! He barely turned around when I said bye to yell back "bye mommy"! When I came to get him they were just coming back in from being on the outdoor playground - he smiled when he saw me and said "hi mommy"! His teacher told me he had a great first day - she said he has LOADS of energy and he was trying to eat all his friends sandwiches at lunch - LOL! She said he was content all day long! He did some art projects, had story time, practiced the song they will sing at the Christmas party and I sent in donuts so they could celebrate Dylan's 2nd birthday. He even got a birthday crown to wear! So happy my boy had a great first day of school but it's hard not to shed some tears as well - I am super proud of how well adjusted both my kids are and I know they are going to grow up to be great, amazing people one day but it's hard to let go of them and send them out to the world. Days like today make me realize that I need to try harder to slow down, stop and smell the roses, jump in the leaves and the puddles, and treasure each and every moment I spend with them!
These are some shots his teacher took and send to me - SO CUTE!
We are so happy that Grandma, Pop Pop and Uncle Peter were just here to spend a week with us down in GA. Not only did we have a great Thanksgiving together but we got to do tons of fun things!
They hung out with the kids in the house-
We hit up some stores for shopping-
Alex and his dad got in a round of golf-
We went out for lots of nice meals (even in the pouring rain)-
Went to the park-
Ate a Thanksgiving feast-
Went to Chateau Elan Winery -
Celebrated Dylan's 2nd birthday-
Alex, Peter & I went to the spa for pedicures, massages & facials-
And we just enjoyed being all together! So happy they came for a visit!