Wednesday, August 15, 2012

AJ's 1st Day of Kindergarten!

What a amazing emotion filled day August 9th was! AJ was so ready and so excited and couldn't wait to ride the bus alone like a big girl. We were up at 6:45 AM, dressed and ready for breakfast by 7:00 AM and out the door to wait at the bus stop by 7:20 AM! The bus was a little late but I really didn't mind - it was nice to take it all in! When it did finally come, she got on without any hesitation and happily waved by as she pulled away from us. Alex, Dylan and I were all there to see her go on her first day! I of course cried like a baby and a week later I still get a little emotional seeing her ride away without me! Of course I couldn't resist going to visit her at lunch to make sure she was ok and she was doing great! He teacher said she was asking tons of questions and seemed very excited to be there! I gave her a quick hug and left her to socialize with her new friend! After school I was anxious for her to finally get home - we waited for forever since the busses were late due to the rain. When she got off the bus she was just as I left her - happy and smiling! She had lots to tell me about her first day. She has two teachers that she really likes, her main teacher Miss Bergey is even gifted certified! They have 3 class pets - 2 guinea pigs and a bunny! She went to art class and drew a picture of our family! They read a book and then had to cut and paste different pics from the book in order, She had to draw the correct amount of stripes on the raccoon based on the number written next to it and they were learning two songs, one about their left and right and one about the town, state, country and plant they live on! She said they played outside on the playground and she loved eating in the cafeteria for lunch! I am so proud of my baby girl who just isn't a baby anymore - she is growing up into such a confident, secure, happy and eager girl! She amazes me! I am so proud to be her mother!
Love this pic of Dylan anxiously awaiting her getting off the bus-
Happy to have her home and safe in my arms-

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