Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Almost 8 Months!

AJ is officially 8 months old on Thursday - Valentine's Day!  We can't believe how quickly time has flown by!  AJ is growing incredible amounts right before our eyes, we are afraid to even blink because we don't want to miss a thing!  Let's see, she waves hi and bye bye - although towards her own face.  She eats all kinds of table food and has yet to turn anything down - in fact every time she sees ANYONE eating she thinks she should have something too!  She has finally mastered the Sippy Cup - she uses it to drink her water instead of just as a teething toy!  She's trying to crawl - to no avail and trying to cruise - but falls A LOT.  One thing I can say is she sits up perfectly -  the girl has great posture!  She is babbling up a storm (mama is her favorite babble and she hasn't said dada yet which makes daddy sad), she knows the dogs and looks for them when you ask her where her doggies Marley and Nesta are and looks for daddy or mommy when you ask where we are.  Her eyes are still blue as can be and she weighs just about 15 pounds!  I could go on and on!